
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/08 22:11:34

Wonderful Days
我记得好像从那集往后有一段时间的片尾曲就是wonderful days,在百度上应该会搜得到,你要是想找又找不到的话,我可以发给你~~~

的回答很正确,QQ音乐里有,但要小写名字哦。wonderful days

《Wonderful Days》 BY プルタブと缶

Artist: Prince Of Tennis
Song: Wonderful Day English Version

On a bright afternoon I open the window
And run without reason on a shaded road
I take a breath using my shoulders, and close my eyes
And picture a stage that starts from tomorrow.
I image a brand new page
And paint it on a plain white canvas.
The headwind opens up without a care
In this endlessly continuing brand new story.

Ah, wonderful days

At a zebra-striped intersection
The light turns green and I start running
Crossing while just stepping on the white lines
Just like a kid

Always blown by wind in this way
If I could just be as I had been
I'd turn towards the far away sky, stretch out my hands as if to